Lockup Conditions

In order to get staking rewards, you must stake your tokens and use the latest version of staking (Staking 2.0). You're probably aware that a lockup is a strategy that can help ease the value of a token, keep it stable, and increase its profitability potential. For the duration of the lockup period, tokens cannot be traded or sold.

The procedure was the following:

1. The lockup will be activated whenever new coins are staked from the wallet, whether this is the first time staking or if you have previously staked a particular amount and want to increase the total amount.

2. The lockup is not activated or restarted if a stake reward is received.

3. The lockup duration will be reseted if you add additional tokens.

4. These measures are implemented to protect the asset's long-term value. These safeguards protect against a sudden drop in the value of tokens, which could happen if a lot of people sold their tokens at once. Due to the new rules, private investors with limited funds no longer have to rely as much on large holdings.

Last updated